

锚定机构是, 顾名思义, enterprises that are necessarily tied (anchored) to their locations, 比如大学或医院. Because these institutions can’t move to another city the way most private businesses can, anchor institutions have a great opportunity to build long, 有意义的联系, partnerships 和 friendships with other local businesses, 非营利组织和社区成员. 另外, institutions like universities 和 hospitals wield vast economic, 人类, intellectual 和 institutional resources, which can serve to improve 和 grow local economies 和 build stronger communities.

As a private university working for the public good, the 新MG线上电子游戏 is able to use its own purchasing power to support 和 empower local companies, 和 to help traditionally marginalized populations in our city thrive. In 2015, DU had a nearly $1 billion impact on the city of Denver, 通过大学采购, 学生消费, visitor spending 和 construction projects. We are dedicated to directing more of that impact toward small local businesses, 尤其是女性拥有的, 少数民族, veterans 和 other vulnerable populations.


丹佛主播网 (DAN) provides a mechanism to accelerate the learning 和 progress of anchor institutions in the Denver metro area. DAN是一个项目 丹佛新MG线上电子游戏 和 社区财富建设中心g. DAN的愿景是锚定机构, as powerful economic engines in the region, to commit to aligning institutional resources to close the racial wealth 和 economic opportunity gaps in the Denver metro area. Strategies include, but are not limited to, local procurement, local hiring 和 local investing.

In partnership with Denver Anchor Network, the 新MG线上电子游戏 has been identifying potential partners 和 opportunities to direct our university spending toward local women- 和 minority-owned business enterprises (WMBEs). 当我们这样做的时候, our money stays in our local economy 和 helps all members of our communities thrive.

16% of contractor spending for Dimond Residential Village 和 Community Commons Project goes to veteran/WMBEs

30% of contractor spending for Burwell Center for Career Achievement Project goes to veteran/WMBEs


设施管理及规划 is leading the way at the 新MG线上电子游戏 in advancing our goals around our role as an anchor institution. In 2018, they held a series of forums to seek feedback from 和 engage local veteran-, 女性和少数族裔拥有的承包商. The department then set a goal for 15 percent of the contractor cost for the Denver Advantage building to be through veteran/WMBEs in Denver. 他们超过了目标.

The Facilities commitment to support WMBEs goes beyond costs for new construction on campus. They have found success in contracting with these local companies for smaller renovation projects, as well; DU’s many construction needs will continue to support historically under-supported businesses long after new buildings are complete.



A huge number of DU alumni have finished their time at DU 和 stayed right here in Denver to open thriving restaurants, 咖啡馆, 啤酒厂, 酒吧和其他行业. To honor these accomplishments 和 to make eating 和 drinking in alumni-owned establishments more accessible, the Office of 校友 参与ment kicked off the Crimson 和 金路, 这是一个帮助DU员工的护照项目, 学生, alumni 和 friends find 和 enjoy the alumni-owned businesses all over the city.

探索深红 & 金路


可持续发展中心, in partnership with the 社区财富建设中心g, 和 event planners across the university have worked to increase the portion of that catering spend that goes to small, 当地的餐饮公司都是女性开的, immigrants 和 other minority populations. 2020年2月,该组织举办了 品尝本地美食活动, which brought nearly a dozen such caterers to campus in order to introduce them 和ir food to event planners at DU. The hope is that by making connections between these smaller catering companies, DU event planners will find they have many choices for who they go to for event catering, while uplifting 和 empowering marginalized communities in Denver.

Interested in accessing this list of caterers? 联系可持续发展中心.