
The 多元化,公平和包容司 provides university-wide leadership and accountability in developing a diverse, equitable, 包容的学术环境. 与校园和社区伙伴合作, the division of DEI is an institutional resource that supports the university's mission and strategic imperatives. The division empowers the campus community toward the advancement of socially just research, creative works, teaching, 为科罗拉多社区和其他地方提供公共服务.

The division serves as an advocate in promoting equity by shaping university policies, practices, and programs. The division of DEI also supports the access and success of historically marginalized communities through the fostering of a diverse, equitable, 包容的校园氛围.

Our Initiatives

  • 黑人社区倡议

    作为DEI行动计划的一部分, DU正在提交资源 to address its inconsistent history and uneven, on-going support of our Black community members. The goal through these efforts is to create substantive and sustainable programs and initiatives to ensure that our Black students, staff, faculty, alumni, 社区伙伴感到受欢迎, 全面支持, and a vital part of the growth and excellence of the University of Denver now and into the future.


  • Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (In)Equality (IRISE)

    The Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (In)Equality (IRISE) is the intellectual home for faculty and students to engage in the development of cutting edge interdisciplinary research on issues of inequality, social justice, and inclusivity. IRISE寻求推进包容性卓越, diversity, and equity at DU, as well as furthering DU's public good mission by extending and connecting this work across campus to locally diverse communities in a comprehensive and meaningful way. 


  • 土著和美洲原住民的倡议

    ODEI supports Indigenous and Native American initiatives including increasing access to a DU education through support and financial aid. They also include addressing the recruitment and retention of Native American and Indigenous faculty and staff, 在校园内建造沙溪大屠杀纪念馆, as well as a permanent interior exhibit with accompanying curricula on DU’s history and exploring the creation of a Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies, among other efforts.


  • The Latinx Center

    The Latinx Center at the University of Denver advances critical interdisciplinary research, 学术和创造性工作, 与课程发展相关的历史, political, cultural, 和拉丁人的知识遗产. The Center promotes and advances knowledge affecting the Latinx community through hosting visiting Latinx scholars, filmmakers, poets, performing artists and culture critics; providing grants that support scholarship and creative works on topics that contribute to the knowledge and experience of the Latinx community nationally and internationally; providing research briefs on areas of policy that affect the Latinx community; and supporting graduate education for University of Denver Latinx students and students engaging in research focused on the Latinx issues, concerns, and culture.


  • DEI Fellows

    多样性的划分, Equity, and Inclusion’s Fellows Program will advance the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), creating and further embedding a capacity-building resource within and alongside academic & 新MG线上电子游戏的非学术院系.  

    The DEI Fellows are helping divisions advance DEI efforts with support (both in terms of funding and training) and coordination from the University at large. As a unit-based role, DEI Fellows work within their divisions toward realizing DU’s vision outlined within the DEI Action Plan 它的目标开始了 creating a coordinated, consistent, and connected leadership and accountability structure for DEI at all levels of the university.

  • DEI的保留和招聘

    The retention and recruitment of an outstanding and diverse faculty is identified as vital to the continued success of the University of Denver. It is known that exposure to a broad spectrum of perspectives and diverse forms of knowledge leads to a more stimulating and rich educational experience for students and faculty.

  • 教职员工亲和团体支持

    亲和组是重要的支持, 促进代表性不足的教职员工的成功. 多元化办公室主任, Equity, and Inclusion serves as the liaison providing support and service to faculty affinity groups, 中国人权为员工亲和团体提供支持和服务, 帮助促进成功的校园就业.




自20年前一年一度的多样性峰会启动以来, the University of Denver has worked to engage and critically question the ways in which we as a community (students, staff, faculty, alumni, leadership, and community partners) could more fully embody our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Beginning in 2020, 杜克大学的DEI工作将涉及五个影响领域, 每个都有特定的行动项目, 旨在确保领导地位, taking action, and increasing accountability and consistency across the university. This action plan will serve as a new platform as we enter into the next stages of our vision for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive DU.  



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