Grants & Scholarships

Funding from grants and scholarships is applied directly to your educational costs. At the graduate level, most available scholarships are merit-based and are awarded by individual academic departments. For many merit-based scholarships, you're automatically considered when you apply for admission. 然而,有些则需要单独的应用程序.

Institutional Scholarships

Our graduate departments offer several different opportunities for institutional financial aid. All types of institutional aid at DU are awarded by individual academic units (instead of our office). 如果你对下面列出的任何援助有疑问, 一定要直接联系你的研究生系.

  • Departmental Grants & Scholarships

    Our individual academic departments offer their own scholarships, which students are generally considered for at the time of admission to their program. These awards can be based on need and/or merit and typically require full-time attendance. To learn more about possible departmental aid, contact your graduate school directly.

  • 研究生教学/研究助理奖学金

    Assistantships are merit awards that include both a tuition waiver and a living stipend, and incorporate a teaching or research component into your studies. Application and eligibility requirements vary by department and may be part of the application process. 请与您的部门联系以获取更多信息.

    Learn More

  • 研究生、博士奖学金

    Doctoral fellowships are awarded by academic departments to PhD students enrolled for at least 8 credits per term. 每年的奖励金额从1,000美元到5,000美元不等.


Federal & State Grants

尽管选择非常有限, eligible students may be considered for the Federal TEACH or Colorado Graduate grant. 要考虑这些,您必须提交 FAFSA.

  • Federal TEACH Grant

    The Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grant is available to students in the 莫里奇教育学院 who are enrolled in the Master of Arts in the Teacher Education Program or the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction program. 学生可领取的最高金额为 $3,772 per academic year (after the Department of Education retains its required reduction amount).

    作为交换,你可以获得一笔TEACH补助金, you must agree to serve as a full-time teacher in a high-need field in an elementary or secondary school that serves low-income students. If the teaching obligation is not fulfilled, the TEACH grant will be converted to a Direct Unsubsidized loan, which must be repaid with interest accrued from the date of the grant's disbursement.

    To apply, you need to submit a FAFSA and be awarded the TEACH grant as a part of your financial aid offer. Entrance Counseling and an Agreement to Serve or Repay (Agreement) must be completed online at 每年你都会收到TEACH补助金.

    Learn More

  • 科罗拉多“关键职业”研究生资助

    Funding for this grant—provided by the Colorado General Assembly—is extremely limited. 如果你有资格获得这笔资助, you'll be notified by our office via email—no separate application is required. 奖励金额从1,000美元到7,000美元不等. To be eligible, you must:

    • 是一名被批准的学位课程的研究生
    • 是科罗拉多州居民,提交 CO Residency Form to the Registrar's Office
    • 至少上一半的课
    • Be enrolled in a critical career field as determined by the Colorado Department of Higher Education (science, technology, engineering, math and health care)
    • Have an Expected Family Contribution (as determined by the FAFSA) of less than $7,000

Private Scholarships

Various entities not affiliated with DU offer an array of scholarship opportunities. These sources can include community organizations as well as women's, 民族或宗教组织. 许多这样的机会并没有被广泛宣传, 因此,请务必与您附近的任何此类组织交谈, 尤其是那些你已经有联系的人, 看看他们是否提供奖学金.

因为这些实体不隶属于DU, 我们鼓励你评估每一个奖学金机会. While DU works hard to review outside scholarships before sharing them with students, 下面列出的大多数网站都有搜索引擎的功能. 除其他事项外,要注意以下应用程序 only 询问您的个人信息(如电子邮件地址), 要求以前课程的例子, 或者干脆让你参加一种抽奖. These scholarships may be ways to mine for data or utilize your work in ways that could violate academic integrity policies.

If you have any questions about a scholarship opportunity, please don't hesitate to contact us at

如果你获得过私人奖学金,请填写 report it 并将奖学金支票直接寄至:

Financial Aid
University of Denver
2197 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80208-9403

Once processed, your scholarship will be added to your financial aid award and will disburse to your account in the same way as the rest of your aid.

Your financial aid eligibility is limited by your cost of attendance and/or your financial need. 如果你得到额外的援助, such as a grant, 杜克大学以外的奖学金或学费, 我们将首先把这些资金用于任何未得到满足的财政需要, if applicable. However, 如果你没有申请助学金, then these awards are applied to your account and are limited by your cost of attendance. If the private scholarship(s) causes you to go over your demonstrated financial need and/or cost of attendance, 我们可能得调整你的援助条件. We will reduce student loans first, then work-study, before reducing any DU scholarships or grants. In some cases, however, additional outside awards that must pay toward tuition charges may result in the reduction of a DU scholarship or grant.



Financial Aid