
The Relationship Between Exposure To Violence During Childhood And/Or Adulthood And Gross Cognitive Functioning Among Justice-Involved Individuals With TBI​


Recent estimates suggest approximately 2.7 million Americans were victims of violence in 2021 (USDOJ, 2022). Among justice-involved individuals, the prevalence of lifetime exposure to violence is as high as 87% (Wolff et al., 2014; Wolff & 史,2009). 如创伤性脑损伤, disruptions in cognitive functioning have been identified among individuals exposed to violence throughout their lifetimes (Daughterty et al., 2021). 这些中断, particularly impulsivity 和 emotional reactivity, may make individuals vulnerable to becoming involved in the criminal legal system (McIsaac et al., 2016; Ray & 理查森,2017).


This study compared domains of cognitive functioning among justice-involved individuals with a significant reported brain injury history who were exposed to violence during childhood 和/or adulthood. Methods Data from 586 justice-involved adults were analyzed. Information on cognitive functioning 和 exposure to childhood 和/or adulthood violence was gathered from individuals with a significant reported history of TBI who completed the Colorado-Revised OSU TBI-ID (Corrigan & Bogner, 2007), the ANAM core battery, 和 unstructured clinical interviews.


Significant differences were found in the domains of attention/processing speed, 学习, 工作记忆, 延迟记忆. 具体地说, individuals with a significant reported TBI history who were exposed to violence during childhood 和 also as an adult performed significantly poorer on cognitive tests than individuals who were exposed to violence only during childhood, 只有在成年期, 和 individuals who were never exposed to violence.


These findings can inform secondary violence prevention efforts for individuals with TBI 和 exposure to violence, including routine brain injury screening 和 targeted interventions that address the cognitive deficits associated with exposure to violence. This study also highlights the need for primary prevention of childhood violence, as persons exposed to violence during childhood may be more vulnerable to poor post-injury outcomes if they are also victimized as an adult."